
  • Records Review

    This would include a review of the students IEP, evaluations and any other relevant documentation provided by the family. A formal report would be provided after the records review.

  • Meeting Prep & Attendance / Communication with District

    This would include a 30 minute preparation meeting with the family to prepare for any meeting, mediation or court appearance. Lauren would create an agenda for all meetings and provide the family with guidance on how the meeting should run and discuss what the goals of the meeting are. Lauren will also have communication with the district if the family would prefer a third party to facilitate conversations.

  • Classroom Observations

    This would include a 30-60 minute observation of a student in their school or therapy environment. Notes and data will be taken and a report will be written up afterward that can be used in a case. Often schools prefer not to have parents do observations so this is a good way to see how a child is behaving/performing in the classroom.

  • Site Visits

    When a family is considering an out of district placement for a child, it can be helpful and provide support if an advocate accompanies a family to site visits with a representative from the school district.

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